John 7-10
"I Am the Good Shepherd"
Materials: Good Shepherd worksheet, scriptures, "Lost No More" picture (found in Come Follow Me Manual), videos (links below)
Opening Song: "The Lord is My Shepherd" (Hymnal, 108)
Opening Prayer:
Attention Activity: Tell a story about a time when one of your children was lost or a time when you were lost. Was it scary? Ask your family what it feels like to be lost. What should you do when you become lost?
Hand each member of your family a copy of the worksheet below. Tell them you are going to read one of Jesus's parables today. As you read the parable of the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18), color each picture as Jesus teaches about each person/item. Stop frequently to explain what Jesus taught about each element of the parable.
Shepherds in Israel would put their sheep in pens at night. These pens or "sheepfold" would have a door or gate. At night the shepherd would often sleep at the door of the pen to keep out predators like wolves. "The Savior’s statement, “I am the door,” makes clear that He was willing to “lay down [His] life for the sheep” (John 10:7, 15), and that He ultimately will decide who will enter the kingdom of heaven (New Testament Student Manual).
Show Lost No More by Greg Olsen
Christ says in the parable, "I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine" (John 10:14) We are like the sheep; Christ knows each one of us. He was willing to lay down his life for us. And He will always be there to usher us back into the fold when we become lost. Sometimes we lose our way and become lost; sometimes the wolves get the better of us. We sin and we make mistakes. When we are "lost sheep" we can always find our way back to the fold by looking for and following the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Through His atonement and through His gospel we can reenter the fold and be put back on the strait and narrow path. "For the Son of Man is come to save that which was lost." (Matt. 18:11)
Optional Videos:
Jesus Declares the Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Good Shepherd and Other Sheep I Have
Closing Song: "I Feel My Savior's Love" verse 3 (Children's Songbook, 74)
Closing Prayer:
No Bake Sheep Grahams Recipe Here