"Be Ye Doers of the Word, and Not Hearers Only"
Materials: Oobleck (corn starch and water; prepared in advance; see below), video of Joseph Smith's first vision (link below),
Opening Song: "Faith" (Children's Songbook, )
Opening Prayer:
Scriptures: James 1:5-6 If any of ye lack wisdom let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and unbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering..."
Attention Activity:
****BEFORE THIS LESSON: Make Oobleck. 2 parts cornstarch, 1 part water, and food coloring. Make enough for each family member. I estimated about 1 cup of corn starch and a 1/2 cup water per person. I would do this activity on the kitchen or a surface that can get messy. For a good tutorial on how to make oobleck click here.
Have each family member play with the oobleck. Ask them what it feels like. When the oobleck is being worked by your hands it's a solid but if it's not being worked it goes into a liquid state.
Playing with the oobleck can help you to think about faith. We have faith and as we work on it our faith can become stronger. But if we do nothing, our faith can slip away. This is like oobleck, you have to really work at your faith to help to keep it strong, just like you have to work the oobleck to keep it solid. Have your family wash their hands.
Read James 2:17. What do we mean when we say "faith without works is dead?" Our faith requires action. We have to choose the right, keep the commandments, and act on our faith in Christ. Read James 1:22. So how can we be "doers" and not just "hearers"? What are some things we have to do in order to show our faith in Christ? (give service, act on our promptings from the Holy Ghost, ministering to one another, scriptures, prayers, etc.)
Can you think of any prophets who demonstrated their faith in Christ by taking action? Show the following video about Joseph Smith's first vision here. What question did Joseph have? Did he have faith? He did he take action on his faith? Read James 1:5-6. Joseph Smith had a lot of faith, but he felt he "lacked wisdom" so he made a plan and used his faith. He believed that if he prayed, the Lord would tell him which church to join. We are reaping the blessing of Joseph's faith and actions as members of the restored Gospel.
The First Vision, by Del Parson (62470); GAK 403; Primary manual 1-04; Primary manual 2-38; Primary manual 3-10; Primary manual 5-06; Primary manual 6-40; Primary manual 7-40; Joseph Smith—History 1:14–20
This week, I want you to focus on truly living your faith. Think of one thing you can do this week to take action on your faith. Try to follow promptings when they come to you, and show Heavenly Father your faith in him through your actions and choices.
Closing Song: "The Spirit of God" (Hymnal, 2)
Closing Prayer: