1 Nephi 16-22
"I Will Prepare the Way Before You"
Materials: scriptures, copies of scripture play
Opening Song: "Search, Ponder, and Pray" (Children's Songbook, 109)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: 1 Nephi 19: 23 And I did read many things unto them which were written in the books of Moses; but that I might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer I did read unto them that which was written by the prophet Isaiah; for I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning.
Attention Activity:
Ask each family member to share their favorite scripture story. Why do you like that story?

The scriptures are full of wonderful stories. Ask your family if they remember what a parable is? A parable is a fictitious story that demonstrates a gospel principle. There are also many true stories in the Bible and Book of Mormon. Stories from the scriptures are fun to read. We can also learn from the scriptures. How can we learn from reading scripture stories? What did you learn from your favorite story?
Read 1 Nephi 19:23. What does it mean to "liken the scriptures unto us?" This means that as we read the scriptures, we need to try to learn from them. We need to apply the gospel principles in the stories and apply it to our own lives "for our profit and learning."
Activity: The Liahona and the Broken Bow Scripture Play
We are going to practice likening the scriptures unto us by acting out 1 Nephi 16. At the end we will talk about what we can learn from what Nephi and his family experienced in the chapter and how we can apply it to ourselves.
Cast: Lehi, Nephi, Laman, Lemuel, Narrator for italic text, The Lord, Sam (Optional Cast: Sariah, Zoram, daughters of Ishmael,) *these rolls can be done by Laman & Lemuel as well
Props: A compass or ball (for Liahona), a bow or stick
Setting: In the wilderness near the Red Sea. Lehi is sleeping on the floor of his tent. He wakes up and opens the tent to find a strange ball.
Lehi: (astonished) What is this? He picks up the ball. How curious? It looks to be a small ball with pointers like a compass, but is not pointing north.
Laman: Let us go and pitch our tents elsewhere.
Sam: We can go hunting on the way—slaying our food with our bows and arrows, stones and slings.
Lehi: We shall follow the directions on the ball as we journey through the wilderness.
After traveling many days, they pitched their tents for a time, so they can rest and eat.
Nephi: I'm going to take my bow and go hunting for food tonight. Pretend to pull the boasting back. The bow breaks. Oh no! My bow has broken!
Laman: (angrily) What are we going to do now?
Lemuel: (angrily) Nephi, you wretch! How will you kill all our food with a broken bow?
Nephi: I guess we'll have to go back to camp and think of something
Laman: (complaining) I'm hungry.
Lemuel: (whining) I’m starving.
Laman: (irritated) I can't hunt myself. That's what Nephi's for. And now he's gone off and broken his ruddy bow.
Lemuel: (hopelessly) I can't remember the taste of food. We'll die out here without food.
Lehi: (complaining) What are we going to do? We need food for our bellies. Oh Lord, how did you let this happen? We're so hungry. We've sacrificed everything and now we have no food. This isn't fair.
Sam: All the other bows have lost their springs.
Nephi: We cannot lose faith. We will get through this. The Lord will help us if we have faith. I will go and see what is to be done for food.
Nephi leaves. He makes a new bow out of a stick. He takes his new bow and arrow, stones, and a sling to Lehi.
Nephi: Where do you think I should go to have the best chance to find food?
Lehi: (humbly) I'll ask it of the Lord. Lehi prays. I have been chastened by the Lord for murmuring and speaking against him. (Sadly) I am brought down in the depths of sorrow. I must humble myself and have more faith.
Lord: Look upon the ball
Lehi looks at the ball. When he sees the words written on it he's afraid and trembles.
Nephi: Looks at the ball. It appears that the pointers on the Liahona only work according to our faith, diligence, and heed we give unto them. This writing upon the ball changes from time to time according to the faith and diligence we are showing. And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things. I will follow the direction on the ball and hunt for food on the top of that mountain.
A short time later, Nephi returns after slaying enough wild beasts to feed their families.
Lehi: Thank you Nephi for this food. Thank you Lord for providing it for us.
Laman and Lemuel: Thank you.
End scene.
What are some lessons we can learn from Nephi's experience with the Liohona and the broken bow? How can you apply it to your life?
As we read the scriptures this week, we will hear more stories of Nephi and his family. These stories should be instructive to us. They should inspire us to live gospel principles. As we read the scriptures, ask yourself how the stories can help you personally. What can you learn from the example of Nephi or from the reactions of Laman and Lemuel?
“What all of us learn by studying the scriptures: Who we are. What we can become. Prophecies for us and for our posterity. The commandments, laws, ordinances, and covenants we must live by to obtain eternal life. And how we must live in order to endure to the end and return to our Heavenly Father with honor.”—Elder Robert D. Hales

Share your own favorite scripture story and bear your testimony of what you have learned from studying it.
Closing Song: "Scripture Power" (Songs for Children link here)
Closing Prayer:
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