1 Corinthians 8-13
"Ye Are the Body of Christ"
Materials: Picture of Relief Society Seal, Paper Heart, cut out hearts (see below), picture of Christ
Opening Song: "Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth" (Hymnal, 298)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: Moroni 7:47 But acharity is the pure blove of Christ, and it endureth cforever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
Attention Activity:
Show a picture of the Relief Society Seal. What is the Relief Society? Have a family member read the words at the the top of the seal, "Charity Never Faileth." This is the Relief Society motto, which is a phrase you try to live by. What does it mean? Why would the Relief Society use that as their motto?
The motto, "Charity never faileth" comes from Paul's letter to the Corinthians found in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. In this chapter Paul talks a lot about charity. What is charity? Show a paper heart with the words "Charity= The Pure Love of Christ." The Book of Mormon teaches us that charity is the pure love of Christ. It is the Christlike love we show for others.

Directions: Cut out the hearts below and put tape them around room. Have your family members take turns picking hearts. These are the phrases Paul uses to describe charity in 1 Corinthians 13. As they choose each one, describe what each one means. Take the heart a put re-tape it around a picture of Christ.

Suffereth long- charity is long lasting
kind- charity begins with kindness
envieth not- charity means not being jealous of others
vaunteth not itself; is not puffed up- charity is not arrogant
Doth not behave unseemingly- charitable people are well-behaved and obedient
seeketh not her own- charity is not selfish
thinketh no evil- charitable people try to have clean thoughts
rejoiceth not in iniquity- charitable people try to sin
beareth all things- charity can endure hard things
believeth all things- charitable people are believing
hopeth all things- charitable people have hope
never faileth- charity always makes things better; charity endures
These phrases Paul used to help us understand charity can also be used to describe Jesus Christ. Can you think of examples of how Jesus exemplified these attributes? Read 1 Corinthians 13:13. How can we abide in charity?
"Charity is three dimensional: it encompasses a love for Christ, love from Christ, and love like Christ. In other words, to experience the pure love of Christ means to feel Christ's love for you, to love Christ purely yourself, and to love others purely as Christ loves them." (John Bytheway
Bear your testimony of charity. Encourage your family to try to have charity during the week. Ask each family member to share one way they can show charity, the pure love of Jesus Christ.
Closing Song: "I'm Trying to be Like Jesus" (Children's Songbook, 78)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Chocolate Kiss Cookies Recipe Here