Alma 39-42
"The Great Plan of Happiness"
**Special Note: This lesson is on the law of chastity. I highly encourage you to review this lesson before giving it. Prayerfully ponder how this can be adapted to fit your own family dynamic. I have written this lesson geared with my own children in mind: ages 9, 6, 4, and 1.)
Materials: wedding photo printed and cut into a puzzle, video below.
Opening Song: "Families Can Be Together Forever" (Children's Songbook, 188)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: Alma 39:9 Now my son, I would that ye should repent and forsake your sins, and go no more after the lusts of your eyes, but crossyourself in all these things; for except ye do this ye can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God. Oh, remember, and take it upon you, and cross yourself in these things.
Attention Activity: Print off a wedding picture (yours or someone you know who has a strong marriage.) Cut the picture into puzzle pieces. Have your family put the puzzle together.
Toward the end of Alma's life, he addressed each of his sons with some words of wisdom. His son, Corianton had not kept the commandments. Corianton accompanied his father on a mission to the Zoramites. But when he was there, he caused trouble and behaved badly. He also broke the law of chastity with a woman named Isabel. Alma talked to Corianton, about the seriousness of breaking the law of chastity and how he can repent.
What is the law of chastity? The law of chastity is one of God's sacred laws regarding sexual morality. Men and women fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. A man and woman have sexual relations to show their love for each other.

Modern day prophets have explained, "Do not have any sexual relations before marriage, and be completely faithful to your spouse after marriage. Satan may tempt you to rationalize that sexual intimacy before marriage is acceptable when two people are in love. That is not true. In God’s sight, sexual sins are extremely serious because they defile the power God has given us to create life."
The law of chastity is a very important law because it protects the sacredness of the eternal family. When people break the law of chastity, bad things can happen. What are some negative consequences for breaking the law of chastity? (unplanned pregnancy, divorce due to infidelity, addiction, STDs, etc.)
In contrast, those who keep the law of chastity are blessed by the Lord. The have stronger more loving marriages and can have precious little babies. Sexual intimacy is a wonderful tool to unite a husband and wife and make their marriages more loving. Elder Jeffery R. Holland said, “… Human intimacy is reserved for a married couple because it is the ultimate symbol of total union, a totality and a union ordained and defined by God. … Marriage was intended to mean the complete merger of a man and a woman. … This is a union of such completeness that we use the word seal to convey its eternal promise.” (“Personal Purity,” Ensign, Nov. 1998, 76).
As you get older, you will be tempted to break the law of chastity. You might be tempted as you start to date; you may be confronted with pornography. You need to be aware of those temptations now and make a personal commitment to keep the law of chastity.
Show the following video to your family about how kids can withstand the dangers of pornography. (This video is made by the church and does a good job breaking down the topic of pornography for kids. I encourage you to watch it before the lesson, so you will be prepared to answer any questions.)
An important thing to remember is that it is okay to be attracted to others or feel excited about girls/boys. In fact, it's a good thing. It's okay to be curious about sex. Heavenly Father wants us to feel that way because, he wants us to have loving marriages and bring children into the world.
Alma encouraged Cortianton to repent after he broke the law of chastity. Read Alma 39:9. Jesus Christ is always there for us. He will always help us to overcome our weaknesses and forgive our mistakes if we come to him. Ask your family if they have any questions about the law of chastity.
Closing Song: "Love is Spoken Here" (Children's Songbook, 190)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Dole Whip recipe here