June 6-12
Ruth; 1 Samuel 1-3
"My Heart Rejoiceth in the Lord"
Materials: videos, paper, pencils, crayons, "Here am I" song (link below)
Opening Song: "Follow the Prophet" verse 6 (Children's Songbook, 110)
Opening Prayer:
Attention Activity: Play a few rounds of "telephone" with your family.
Sometimes, it's hard to hear important messages. Sometimes we don't listen because we let the hum drum of the world is too loud in our ears, and sometimes we ignore important messages. When the Lord chooses to speak to us, either through His prophet or through the Holy Ghost, we should listen.
Have your family watch the following videos:
"Hannah" (1:15)
"Samuel the Prophet" (2:12)
Whose voice was Samuel hearing? Samuel was a prophet and even from a young age, he heard the voice of the Lord guiding him and instructing him on how to lead the Israelites. How does the Lord guide you?
We may not hear Jesus Christ speaking to us physically, but we can feel inspiration and guidance from the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit can speak to us just like Jehovah spoke to Samuel. How does the Holy Ghost communicate with us? What are some ways that you feel the Spirit?
Another way we can hear God's voice is when we listen to prophets like Samuel. Samuel was given instructions by the Lord for the church in his day. Who leads the church today?
Watch the following video from President Nelson. "#HearHim: President Nelson Invites Us to Hear the Voice of the Lord" (2:35)
So far we've been talking about how we can hear the voice of the Lord speaking to us. But after we hear him, what are we supposed to do when He calls out to us? How did Samuel respond to the voice of the Lord? Read 1 Samuel 3:4. Samuel answered the Lord. He didn't just hear Him, he was listening to Him. He hearkened. President Nelson said to hearken "means to listen with the intent to obey" ("Hear Him" April 2020, General Conference). We can't just hear Him and then tune Him out, ignore Him, or procrastinate--we have to act.
Activity: "Here Am I" song journal prompt
Give each family member a piece of paper and pencil or crayons. Explain that you will play a song and while they listen you want them to answer 2 questions on their paper: How will I hear the Lord better in my life? & How will I respond to the Lord's will for me? Your family can draw write their responses on their paper.
Closing Song: "If I Listen With My Heart" (Additional Songs for Children, Gospel Music App)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Brown Sugar Peach Cake recipe here