2 Corinthians 8-13
"God Loveth a Cheerful Giver"
Materials: Whiteboard and dry erase markers or large sheet of paper; CTR shield picture, nerf guns or paper balls and pillows (see below)
Opening Song: "We Are All Enlisted" (Hymnal, 250)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure ahardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Attention Activity:
Ask your family members to name some famous wars. (Revolutionary War, World Wars I & II, Civil War, etc.) Wars and conflict are an unfortunate part of existence. There has been wars on Earth ever since recorded history and there was even a war in heaven in the preexistence. As long as there has been evil, there has been a fight against it.

We are at war. This war isn't a war against another country, race, or religion. It is a war against wickedness. On a whiteboard or large sheet of paper make two columns. Label one "weapons" and the other "war against." Have a family member read 2 Corinthians 10:3-7. As they read list the words in the verses to describe the weapons of the righteous and what they are against. Like below:
not carnal--spiritual
War Against
strongholds of Satan
everything that exalt itself--prideful
against the knowledge of God
disobedient thoughts
What are some of the strongholds of Satan? (pride, impurity, disobedience, doubt, lies, attacking the family, attacking religion, twisting good things into bad things) How can we combat them? What are some weapons that we can use against these?
Elder Rasband spoke about our was against evil in last general conference. He compared the prophet like a watchmen warning people of coming attacks and he said a Christ-centered home is like a fortress. "Our homes are fortresses against the evils of the world. In our homes we come unto Christ by learning to follow His commandments, by studying the scriptures and praying together, and by helping one another stay on the covenant path...But remember, our homes are only as powerful as the spiritual strength of each one of us within the walls." ("Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection" April 2019).
What were some things Elder Rasband mentioned that will help make our home a spiritual fortress? Show a picture of the CTR shield found on churchofjesuschrist.org. Choosing the Right is a shield and a protection to us against Satan. As we make good choices and keep our covenants we will be spiritually prepared to resist evil.
Activity: Nerf War
Using nerf guns, have a mock battle to dramatize our "warfare against wickedness." You can also use wadded up paper balls, small pillows, etc. in lieu of nerf guns.
Closing Song: "Battle Hymn of the Republic" (Hymnal, 60)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Camo Cupcakes recipe here