March 15-21
Doctrine and Covenants 27-28
"All things must be done in order"
** A lot of this lesson is repeated from the lesson from my lesson on Ephesians from 2019. It has been updated to included additional doctrines from the D&C.
Materials: Household Items to represent the armor of God (see below), video "Put on the whole Armour of God" on, Armor of God paper dolls.
Opening Song: "Scripture Power" verse 2 (found on Sacred Music app or
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
Attention Activity: If you have plastic swords or wrapping paper rolls, have a mock sword fight with your family.
Read D&C 27: 15. Explain the phrase "gird up your loins" means to get ready to work. This verse says that we need to put on the whole armor so that we can withstand the "evil day" or the day when Christ comes again and the wicked are destroyed. What is the "whole armor" the Lord is referring to? Is it actually armor we need to have in our closet like a sword or a bullet proof vest? No, the armor of God is a spiritual armor. It is what we use to guard ourself in the spiritual war against Satan.
Armor of God Activity:
Invite someone to be your soldier. While you dress them with each piece of armor, describe how that piece can help protect us spiritually.
Helmet of Salvation (bike helmet, football helmet, hat, etc): Just as a helmet protects our heads, our minds need to be protected from Satan. How can we protect our minds from Satan (watch good media, listen to good music, speak kindly, no profanity, no pornography, getting an education). We protect our minds with salvation with the knowledge that we will receive salvation and be saved from our sins.
Shield of Fatih (Paper plate, round lid, etc.) Our faith in Christ and His Atonement is our shield against Satan. Having faith in Christ can protect us from temptation and lead us back to him after we have made wrong choices. D&C 27:17 says our shield of faith protects us from "the fiery darts of the wicked." Our faith reflects Satan's tools of doubt and deceit just like a shield protects from arrows and darts.
Girdle of Truth (belt): Knowing the truth always gives you power over the adversary and can protect us from Satan's lies and tricks. Our loins are one of the most vulnerable parts of our bodies, protecting our loins with truth suggests that knowing the truth of the gospel will help us to guard our virtue.
Breastplate of Righteousness (vest): Breastplates are worn to protect the heart and other vital organs. We must love God and all his children. Choosing the right and living righteously will protect our heart, our feelings and we will be happy. "“And the heart, what kind of a breastplate shall protect our conduct in life? We shall have over our hearts a breastplate of righteousness. Well, having learned truth we have a measure by which we can judge between right and wrong and so our conduct will always be gauged by that thing which we know to be true. Our breastplate to cover our conduct shall be the breastplate of righteousness." (Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace, Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year [Provo, 9 Nov. 1954], pp. 3–7.)
Shoes shod with Preparation of the Gospel of Peace (shoes, boots): We must always be spiritually prepared through things like reading our scriptures and studying the words of the apostles and prophets, which the Lord has sent his "angels to commit unto [us]" (D&C27: 16).
Sword of the Spirit (toy sword, paper towel tube, foil sword, etc) The Spirit or the Holy Ghost is our weapon against Satan. Through the spirit his word will be revealed unto us. If we live worthy, the Holy Ghost, a member of the godhead will help us to combat Satan and lead us from temptation.
As we put on the armor of God and remain faithful, it says in verse 18 we will be "caught up" which is another way of saying that we will be saved on the day the wicked will be destroyed.
Watch the video "Put on the whole Armor of God" found on What can we do to help each other put on the armour of God? Share a story of a time in your life when you were able to use your testimony of the gospel to resist temptation. Bear your testimony of the armor of god and what that means to you.
Activity: Armor of God Paper Dolls
Print and cut out one per family member. If you have a laminator, you could laminate the pieces and attach with bits of velcro. This is a great activity for the church bag!
Closing Song: "We Are All Enlisted" (Hymnal, 250)
Closing Prayer:
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