"Walk in the Spirit"
Materials: Fruits cut outs (see below),
Opening Song: "Teach me to Walk in the light"
Opening Prayer:
Attention Activity:
Go on a short walk as a family. As you walk explain that in order to live a spiritual life, Paul tells us we need to "walk in the spirit" or being led by the Spirit.
Paul explained in the book of Galations that as we "walk by the spirit" we will receive the "fruit of the spirit." The fruits of the spirit are the positive results we receive by living a spiritual life.

Read Galations 5:22-23. Before FHE, cut out the fruits from the handout below. Have a member of your family choose a fruit. Define it and think of an example that quality.

Paul says that if we live righteously, we should have love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, faith, goodness, meekness, and temperance. Exemplifying these attributes helps bring the spirit into our home. What are some things we can do to work on these different attributes?
President Eyring said in last general conference. "You will find some of your greatest joys in your efforts to make your home a place of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a place that is permeated with love, the pure love of Christ." If were try to exemplify the fruits of the spirit, we will be able to make a place where the spirit of the Lord dwells.
Closing Song: "Let the Holy Spirit Guide"
Closing Prayer:
Pistachio Fruit Salad
1.5 boxes of pistachio Jello Pudding mix
1 full-sized can pineapple tidbits
1 can fruit cocktail
1 can mandarine oranges
8 oz. cool whip
3/4 bag of mini marshmallows
Mix ingredients together and chill 20 min. before serving.