"He Shall Rise.. With Healing In His Wings"
Materials: whiteboard, dry erase marker, plastic easter eggs, scripture strips (below)
Opening Song: "Jesus has Risen" (Children's Songbook, 70)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: 2 Nephi 25:13 Behold, they will acrucify him; and after he is laid in a bsepulchre for the space of cthree days he shall drise from the dead, with healing in his wings; and all those who shall believe on his name shall be saved in the kingdom of God. Wherefore, my soul delighteth to prophesy concerning him, for I have eseen his day, and my heart doth magnify his holy name.
Attention Activity:
Play a round of hangman with your family using the phrase "I will be resurrected like Jesus" on a whiteboard or piece of paper. What holiday is coming up next Sunday? Why do we celebrate Easter?
This year we have been studying the Book of Mormon. It testifies of the resurrection of Jesus Christ just like the New Testament. The Book of Mormon provides a second witness that Christ really did die and was resurrected. Because of His sacrifice, we will also be resurrected.
Activity: Easter Eggs
Have the following scripture strips below printed, cut out, and put each one into a plastic easter egg. Hide the eggs around the room. Have your family take turns finding an easter egg and reading the scripture within the egg. Paraphrases below can be used for younger children.
2 Nephi 9:6 Resurrection is part of our Heavenly Father's Plan to overcome physical death.
2 Nephi 9:7 The atonement made our resurrection possible. Without it we would rot and crumble into the earth forever when we die.
2 Nephi 9: 16 When we are resurrected the righteous will stay righteous, and the filthy will stay filthy.
Alma 11:43 We will be resurrected to our "perfect form." All of our limbs and joints will be restored and we will maintain all of our knowledge including our guilt.
Alma 11:44 Resurrection will be for all people young and old, wicked and righteous, and then we will be judged before God.
Alma 11:45 Once we are resurrected, our bodies won't die. Our spirit and body will be joined together forever.
Alma 40:21 There is a period of time between our death and our resurrection--the spirit world.
Alma 40:21 Our bodies will be restored perfectly. Every hair on our heads will be restored along with limbs and joints. Our body will be perfected!
3 Nephi 26:5 We will be judged according to our works and have the resurrection of everlasting life or the resurrection of damnation.
What are some activities we do around Easter? (Easter parade, wear new Sunday clothes, see the Easter bunny, attend church, Easter baskets, Easter egg hunt) Easter egg hunts are a long and loved tradition. Every year little boys and girls get so excited to hunt for brightly colored eggs. The eggs often have treasures inside like candy and toys.
Easter egg hunts can help remind us of our Savior. Just like we earnestly seek the colored eggs, we should be seeking the Savior, always striving to come unto Him and be like Him. When we come unto Christ we enjoy the treasure of his infinite atonement and the joy of His resurrection. Our Easter eggs should remind us of the true treats of Easter: the resurrection of the Jesus Christ and the knowledge that we will one day be resurrected too.
Closing Song: "I know that my Redeemer lives" (Hymnal, 136)
Closing Prayer:
Easter confetti cookies recipe here