Doctrine and Covenants 137-138
"The vision of the redemption of the dead"
Materials: Joseph F. Smith Photo, plan of salvation print out, missionary name tags printed and cut out, art supplies, scriptures
Opening Song: "I love to see the temple" (Children's Songbook, 95)
Opening Prayer:
Attention Activity:
Print out the plan of salvation picture below and have your family label the different parts of the Plan of Salvation. Point out the Spirit World circle. Today, we going to talk about the spirit world. The spirit world is where everyone goes after they die.
Show a picture of Joseph F. Smith like the one above. Joseph F. Smith was the prophet in 1918. He was son of Hyrum Smith and Joseph Smith Jr.'s nephew. At General Conference in 1918 Pres. Smith announced that he had seen several visions over the past few months. He wrote an account of his visions. It was reviewed by the first presidency and quorum of the twelve apostles, and added as Section 138 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
President Smith's vision was about the Spirit World. The first part of his vision (verses 11-28),
While Jesus was in the spirit world, He did not visit the wicked, unrepentant, or rebellious. But the Lord did not forget about them. In the second part of D&C 138 (verses 29-60), President Smith describes the missionary work going forth in the spirit world "among the wicked and the disobedient who had rejected the truth, to teach them" (verse 29). Have a family member read D&C 138:30-31. Who teaches the wicked in heaven? (photo credit: Robert T. Barrett, Jesus Teaching in the Spirit World)
All of the righteous people that Christ taught while He was in the spirit world were essentially called as missionaries to proclaim the gospel to those "who had died in their sins." Through this revelation we learn that missionary work is happening on both sides of the veil or before and after we die. When those who are being taught in heaven accept the gospel and are repentant of the sins, they are ready for the baptismal ordinance to be performed, but they no longer have a body. In the temple, we perform priesthood ordinances in their behalf so that they can receive those ordinances and blessings.
Activity: Missionary Name Tags
Directions: Print and cut out the name tags below and have family members decorate a missionary name tag. Have everyone pin them on their shirts when they are finished.
Whether in this life or the next, everyone of you will get to be a missionary. We have been asked by our prophet to join the Lord's battalion and help gather Israel. This is what we talked about today, the work that we do as missionaries and as temple patrons enables us to help those to accept Christ as their savior and receive the ordinances necessary to return to Heavenly Father. President Joseph F. Smith's vision tells us that all of Heavenly Father's children will have the chance to accept the gospel. Bear your testimony.
Closing Song: "Teach me to walk in the light" verse 2 (Children's Songbook, 177)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Holliday sugar cookie bars recipe here