Acts 6-9
"What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do"
Materials: "Oh the Places You''ll Stand" Poem, Stephen Handout, I See the Son of Man Standing on the Right Hand of God by Walter Rane,
Opening Song: "Stand for the Right" (Children's Songbook, 159)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: D&C 87:8 Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen.

Attention Activity: Read "Oh the Places You'll Stand" Poem by Jill Revelli. As you read have your family stand up every time the word "stand" is said.

The apostles needed some help ministering unto the people, so they called some men to help them. One of these special men was named Stephen. Show handout of Stephen above and explain that Stephen is described in the Bible as full of the Holy Ghost, wisdom, obedience, and faith. Read Acts 6: 8. Stephen helped teach the people in Jerusalem about Jesus which lead to the number of disciples multiplying greatly (Acts 6:7) This made the Jewish leaders angry with Stephen, so they caught him and put him on trial for telling lies (blasphemy). They even called false witnesses against Stephen. When it was Stephen's turn to speak, he told the counsel that they were resisting the Holy Ghost as their fathers did before them. He told them they have persecuted the prophets and betrayed and murdered Jesus Christ, the Messiah (Acts 7: 52-53).
Show I See the Son of Man Standing on the Right Hand of God by Walter Rane
This made the counsel very angry. Read Acts 7: 55-56. Stephen was so full of faith, he not only saw Jesus, but he also saw Heavenly Father. There are not many people who have seen Heavenly Father, but Stephen did. The people cried out and ran at Stephen. They threw him out of the city and stoned him. Stephen said, "Lord Jesus receive my spirit. Lord, lay not this sin to their charge" (Acts 7: 59-60). And he died.
He was the first Christian martyr in the scriptures. That means he was killed because of his belief in Jesus Christ. Who else was martyred for their testimony of Jesus? Our opening song today was, "Stand for the Right." What does it mean to stand for the right? How did Stephen stand for the right? How can you stand for the right?
Optional Activity: "The Martyrdom of Stephen" Bible video (5:42)
Activity: Have each of the follow scenarios below printed, cut out, and placed in a bowl. Have members of your family take turns choosing a scenario. What could you do in each scenario to stand for the right?
1. A boy shows up at school with new glasses. All of the children in your class are teasing him and laughing at him, calling him "four eyes."
2. Your little brother has been working on a lego project in his room, but you accidentally knock it over when you go in there to get something. You want to pretend like nothing happened, but you know he'll be upset.
3. Your best friend tells you she was too busy to do her math homework, and asks if she can copy your answers.
4. You can't find your red shirt and it's red shirt day at school. Your sister's is clean and it fits okay, but she doesn't like you borrowing her stuff.
5. You heard some interesting news about a girl in your class, but you don't know if it's true or not. You really want to talk to your friends about it.
6. You're at a friends house, and they want to watch a movie that your parents have already told you you're not allowed to watch.
7. Your sister broke your mom's favorite lamp. She wants you to lie and say that the dog knocked it over.
8. After you checkout at Walmart, you notice the chapstick you forgot to pay for peaking out from under one of your shopping bags.
Bear your testimony about standing for the right. Tell a story from your own life about a time you had to take a stand for what was right. Stephen was a good example of standing for the right and because he did, he got the amazing blessing of getting to see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. If we are righteous and stand for the right like Stephen, we too can see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in heaven.
Closing Song: "Choose the Right" (Hymnal, 239)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Cinnamon Roll Cookies Recipe Here