This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lesson 36: 1 Corinthians 1-7

September 9-15
2 Corinthians 1-7
"Be Ye Reconciled to God"

Materials: picture of uncut diamond, piece of diamond jewelry (or a picture), pieces of paper and pencils, video (link below)
Opening Song: "I'm trying to be like Jesus" (Children's Songbook, 78)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: Mosiah 24: 14

Attention Activity:
Show a picture of an uncut diamond. Explain that in order for the diamond to go from looking like a rock to looking beautiful in a piece of jewelry it must first go through a difficult process. The diamond has to be refined, cut, polished, and cleaned before it can be place in a jewelry setting. This setting is meant to showcase the diamonds brilliance, beauty, clarity and purity. 

Show are picture of a cut diamond, or if you have one, show a piece of diamond jewelry. We are all diamonds of a divine nature. We have excellent potential. But we are uncut diamonds. We need to be refined. This means we are to be tested, tried, and polished in order to achieve our full potential. Only after we have been refined through challenges and adversity can we be polished enough to be ready for our eternal setting. 

In Paul's second epistle to the Corinthians, he wrote to them about the purposes and blessings of tribulations. Everyone in life faces challenges, trials, hard things they have to endure. This is also called adversity. Sometimes we face challenges because we've sinned. Sometimes we have to face a hard situation because someone else has sinned. Other times, we face a trial that's just a natural part of life. Trials could be anything from a test you are worried about taking, to dealing with bullies, to overcoming a bad habit like lying. Or they could be things like dealing with an illness or when a loved one dies.

Paul was no novice when it came to overcome difficult challenges. What are some challenges we've read that Paul had to overcome? (being rebuked by Christ, not being accepted by the Jews, being bitten by a snake, being falsely accused, being cast into prison)

Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. In verse 6, Paul is saying that our suffering is bringing about our salvation. Our challenges are blessings because as we overcome our challenges we grow into stronger better people.

Read verse 5 again. Christ is the ultimate example of overcoming adversity. What were some trials Christ had to face during his life? How did he overcome them? Read Matthew 11:28-30. Christ wants us to depend on him when we have challenges. Read Mosiah 24:14. How can Christ ease our burdens? (Through the Holy Ghost comforting us, through others comforting us and helping us, through inspiration, divine intervention, repentance.)

Pass out a piece of paper and a pencil to everyone. Have each member write down the answer to this question: What is a trial you are facing now or might be facing soon? Have your family members share what they wrote. How can we overcome those challenges?

Think of a trial your family has faced in the past that you have gotten through together. How did you overcome that challenge?

Show the video "God Will Lift Us Up" from 

Even though our trials and tribulations can be hard. It is always important to keep an eternal perspective. Helping other people with their trials can also bring us joy and make it easier to bear our own. Remember we are like the diamonds being refined for our celestial home. Bear your testimony of how trials and tribulations can be a blessing.

Optional video: "Spiritual Whirlwinds" by Elder Anderson 

Closing Song: "If the Savior stood beside me" (Additional Songs for Children)
Closing Prayer:

Blueberry Scones Recipe here

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