Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon
"Another Testament of Jesus Christ"
Materials: whiteboard and marker (or piece of paper), Book of Mormon, dot to dot (see below)
Opening Song: Book of Mormon Stories (Children's Songbook, 118)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: D&C 33:16 "And the Book of Mormon and the holy scriptures are given of me for your instruction; and the power of my Spirit quickeneth all things."
Attention Activity:
Hold up a copy of The Book of Mormon. What is this? On a whiteboard or large sheet of paper write down all the things your family knows about The Book of Mormon.

This year we will be studying The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is a very special book. On the front cover under the title, is a tagline that reads. "Another Testament of Jesus Christ." The Book of Mormon, like the Bible, testifies of Jesus Christ. D&C 42: 12 says, "this church shall bteach the principles of my gospel, which are in the Bible and the cBook of Mormon, in the which is the dfulness of the egospel." The Book of Mormon contains a fulness of the gospel. What do you think that means? It clarifies and builds upon the doctrine found in the bible. For example, in the Bible we learn about baptism, in the Book of Mormon we read that little children and babies don't need to be baptized until they are mature enough to be held accountable for their actions. Can you think of any other doctrines that the Book of Mormon clarifies?
Have a family member read the following quote from Joseph Smith. "I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
This week we will be reading the introductory pages to the Book of Mormon. In these we will read the testimony of the witnesses of the Book of Mormon. 11 men were able to see the golden plates that the prophet, Joseph Smith, translated through the power of the priesthood. These 11 men signed their names as a witness that the golden plates were real and that the Book of Mormon was a sacred record from God. Even though we will not be able to see the golden plates, we can still be a witness to the truths and doctrines found in the Book of Mormon. How can we be witnesses to the Book of Mormon?

Have your family complete the dot to dot below. When they are finished have them write, "I can be a witness to the Book of Mormon." Invite your family members to share with their friends and loved ones inspiring things they learn from the Book of Mormon. A good way to start is by sharing your favorite verses on your social media pages.

Bear your personal testimony of the Book of Mormon.
Closing Song: "The Books of Mormon" (Children's Songbook, 119)
Closing Prayer:
Pot of Gold Brownie Bites recipe here

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