1 and 2 Peter
"Rejoice with Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory"
Materials: Picture of Christ, pencils and paper, coloring page, scriptures.
Opening Song: "I'm trying to be like Jesus" (Children's Songbook, 78)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:4 "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious apromises: that by these ye might be bpartakers of the cdivinednature..."
Attention Activity:
Show a picture of Jesus Christ like the one below. Throughout this year, we have learned a lot about Christ. What are some words we could use to describe Christ? These are all Christlike attributes.

Jesus is not only our Savior, He is our elder brother. We are all Heavenly Father's children. This means that we have a divine nature. As spirit children of our Heavenly Father, we come from divine royal parentage. Read 2 Peter 1: 4.
The scriptures tell us that if we are faithful, we will be joint heirs with Jesus Christ inheriting all that Heavenly Father has. Our inheritance will not come easy however. In order to receive all of the blessings Heavenly Father has in store for us, we have to become perfect. Or in other words, we have to become like Jesus Christ.
Ask one of your family members to enact their favorite dance move or action (rolling hands, the disco point, the floss etc.) As I read the next set of scriptures, I want you to do your dance move every time I read christlike attribute. Read 2 Peter 1: 5-7. So Peter lists diligence, faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance (self control), patience, godliness (reverence), brotherly kindness, and charity. How are you doing on this list? Are you patient? Kind? Do you practice reverence and self control?
Peter also said that all these characteristics "add" to one another. That means as you have practice your brotherly kindness, you'll also develop your charity. Elder Hales taught, "The attributes of the Savior... are interwoven characteristics, added one to another, which develop in us in interactive ways. In other words, we cannot obtain one Christlike characteristic with also obtaining and influencing others. As one characteristic becomes strong, so do many more" ("Becoming a Disciple of Our Lord, Jesus Christ" April 2017).
A few minutes ago we sang, "I'm trying to be like Jesus." The purpose of our time here on Earth is to become like Jesus. Perfection seems like an impossible task at times. In the Book of Mormon, Moroni invites us to "come unto Christ, and be perfected in him." (Moroni 10:32) This means if we try to be like Christ, He will help us through His grace, become perfect.
As we strive to be more Christlike, we will develop our divine nature. The Family Proclamation to the World affirms that our time on earth is to“gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of eternal life.”
Give each family member a peace of paper and pencil. Have them write down one the attributes that Peter listed to work on developing this week.
Activity: Coloring Page "Jesus Says, Come Follow Me"
Closing Song: "I am a child of God" (Hymnal, 301)
Closing Prayer:
White Chocolate Raspberry Bars
1 box yellow cake mix
1/3 c. oil
2 eggs
Seedless raspberry jam
1 bag white chocolate chips
Combine cake mix, oil, and eggs. Press 1/2 of mixture into bottom of 9x13 pan. Spread jam over crust and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Press sections of remaining cake mixture in hand and set on top till covered. Bake at 350 for 28 minutes. (mom's oven cook at 340 for 23 minutes)
1/3 c. oil
2 eggs
Seedless raspberry jam
1 bag white chocolate chips
Combine cake mix, oil, and eggs. Press 1/2 of mixture into bottom of 9x13 pan. Spread jam over crust and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Press sections of remaining cake mixture in hand and set on top till covered. Bake at 350 for 28 minutes. (mom's oven cook at 340 for 23 minutes)
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