This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Lesson 16: Mosiah 4-6

April 20-26
Mosiah 4-6
"A Mighty Change of Heart"

Materials: name tags, markers, video (see below)
Opening Song: "I Belong To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" (Children's Songbook, )
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: Mosiah 5:7 And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters.

Attention Activity: 
Have each child make/decorate a name tag using their full names. Place the name tags on each child. You each have a name. Your name was carefully selected by your parents. (If you have any stories about how each child got their name you could share them or talk about specific people they are needed after.)

Names are important things to our Heavenly Father. We know from the scriptures that Heavenly Father knows us by name. We all have first names and family names, some of us have middle names, but did you know that when you are baptized you are given an additional name? Read Mosiah 5:8. Whose name do we take when we are baptized? 

When we are baptized we promise to take upon ourselves the name of Christ. That means that we represent Him and His church. How can we represent Jesus Christ?

Activity: Role Play
Have each family member act out the following scenarios and role play how a representative of Jesus Christ would act in each situation. 

You are eating lunch with your friends at school, and one of your friends keeps saying mean things about a girl in your class.

You forgot to have your mother sign your progress report at school, and it is due today. You don't want to get in trouble with your teacher, so you think about forging her name.

One of your friends tells you that they no longer believe in God. They only believe in science and things they can see. 

Your little brother broke one of your favorite toys. He doesn't say he's sorry, but goes and hides in the closet.

Your sister refuses to play a game she had agreed to play earlier in the day. You are upset because you have been looking forward to it. 

Your older brother didn't help you clean up before he left for practice. Now you have to do it all by yourself. You want to leave his stuff out even though you know it will be late by the time he gets home.

When you are in the grocery store parking lot, you notice a lady struggling to open up her car while carrying her grocery bags. 

We have each covenanted or will covenant to take upon the name of Christ. We will forever carry His name as one of His disciples. Read Mosiah 5: 11. What does King Benjamin warn us not to do? So if we sin, we are not acting as one of His disciples. We need to make sure that when we mess up and make mistakes that we sincerely repent so that we are worthy to bear Christ's name.

Activity: Video 
Watch the following clip from Toy Story. What is written on the bottom of the Woody and Buzz's feet? Just like Andy's name is on the bottom of Buzz's foot, Jesus's name is written in our hearts. We sometimes can feel insignificant like Buzz, but Jesus loves us. We are His. We belong to Him. Read Mosiah 5: 12. Jesus knows us by name and He wants us to know Him, to "know the voice by which ye shall be called." We need to always remember Him and always keep His name written on our hearts. 

Closing Song: "I am a child of God" 
Closing Prayer:

French Toast Cookies Recipe Here

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