Alma 17-22
"I will make an instrument of thee"
Materials: tools matching print out (below), picture of Uchtdorf's 5 things (below)
Opening Song: "I will be valiant" (Children's Songbook, 162)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: Alma 17:9 And it came to pass that they journeyed many days in the wilderness, and they fasted much and aprayed much that the Lord would grant unto them a portion of his Spirit to go with them, and abide with them, that they might be an binstrumentin the hands of God to bring, if it were possible, their brethren, the Lamanites, to the knowledge of the truth, to the knowledge of the baseness of the ctraditions of their fathers, which were not correct.
Attention Activity: Have your family complete the printout below. In each job, people have certain tools or instruments that are used to fulfill their work. Heavenly Father also has a job He's trying to do. Read Moses 1:39. What tools/instruments do you think Heavenly Father uses in His work?
Heavenly Father uses His children to do His work. He uses the righteous to teach others about repentance so that we can all return to Him again and receive eternal life. The sons of Mosiah wanted to serve the Lord; they wanted to help in His work. Each of Mosiah's sons was given a chance to be the next king, but they each turned it down. They wanted to serve a mission to the Lamanites.
Now we are going to read about the sons of Mosiah. As we read, look for what Mosiah's sons had to do to be instruments in God's hands. Read Alma 17:9-11. What did Mosiah's sons have do to be instruments in God's hands? (were prepared, fasted, prayed for the Spirit, had patience, were long-suffering, had to be a good example, had courage.)
In April 2019 General Conference, Elder Uchtdorf gave "5 guilt free ways" that we can be instruments in God's hand and gather His church in the latter-days. Show picture below.
We have talked before about gathering Israel and about missionary work, but being an instrument in God's hands also means that you are willing to do what the Lord asks you to do. When you submit yourselves to His will, you have an attitude that says "I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord." President Thomas S. Monson said, "I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him." ("On the Lord's Errand: The Life of Thomas S. Monson, So are you willing to go run errands for the Lord? Are you ready to be his instrument?
Activity: To show how we can do what God asks us to do play a round of Simon Says, or sing "Do As I'm Doing" (Children's Songbook, 276.)
When we are willing to submit to the Lord and allow Him to use our talents to enable His work, we will be blessed beyond measure. I can be an instrument in God's hands to bring salvation to His children.
Closing Song: "I'll go where you want me to go" (Hymnal, 270)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Andes Mint Mini Cheesecake recipe here

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