This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Lesson 35: Helaman 13-16

August 31- September 6
Helaman 13-16
"Glad Tidings of Great Joy"

Materials: Crayons, 5 pieces of paper cut into 2 halves width wise, a chair, balls of paper, a simple costume for Samuel the Lamanite made our of robes, towels, etc.) 
Opening Song: "Samuel Tells of Baby Jesus" (Children's Songbook, 36)
Opening Prayer:
Scriptures: Hel. 14:28 And the angel said unto me that many shall see greater things than these, to the intent that they might believe that athese signs and these wonders should come to pass upon all the face of this land, to the intent that there should be no cause for unbelief among the children of men

Attention Activity: Show the picture below. What are these? These are signs that warn drivers of things to come like railroad crossings, hills, exits, and stops. Why is it important to have warning sings? Heavenly Father also gives us warning signs sometimes. He has prophets tell us of things to come and signs to watch out for. One of these prophets was Samuel the Lamanite.

At this point in the Book of Mormon the Nephites have not been being very good. The Lord sends Samuel to try to teach the people repentance, but they turned him away. God told Samuel to go back and he would help Samuel know what to say to them. Samuel climbed a high wall to get back into the city and started to teach from the wall. He prophesied of many things including the destruction of the Nephites. He also prophesied of the Savior's birth and death. 

Activity: Coloring share. 
Before the lesson: Cut 5 pieces of paper width wise (hamburger) to make 10 halves. On each piece write one of the following verses from Helaman 14: 3, 5, 6, 7, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Pass out the papers to each person (some may take two depending on the size of your family).

Directions: You will each read the verse from Helaman 14 on the top of your paper. The verse describes a sign of either Jesus's birth of His death. Draw a picture of representing the sign. (i.e. if the sign was that there would be a lot of snow, draw a snowflake or a snowman)

When your family is finished coloring, have each person share their drawings and tell what the sign was that Samuel the Lamanite said would happen. The signs should include: (birth signs) a day with no darkness, a new star, many wonders in the heavens, everyone fallen to the earth in wonder; (death signs) darkness for 3 days, thunderings and lightenings, earthquakes, new mountains and valleys, destroyed cities, people resurrecting (after 3rd day). 

As latter-day saints we are taught to have faith in God and not ask for signs. However sometimes God gives us signs to strengthen our faith and tell of things to come. Samuel said that Heavenly Father gives us these signs with the "intent that ye may believe on His name." (Hel. 14:12) Can you thunk if any signs the Lord has given to help you believe in Him? Signs that leas to faith are often more personal and less dramatic than earthquakes and new stars. What are some simple signs from your own life that lets you know that Jesus is the Christ. 

After Samuel taught about the signs, did the people listen? Some did, but others did not believe his words and were angry with him. What did the unbelievers do to Samuel. They fired many arrows and threw rocks at Samuel. The Lord protected him so that none of the projectiles hit him. When the people saw the Samuel was safe some people believed him and asked the prophet, Nephi to be baptized. 

Activity: Role play.
Have your family members take turns acting as Samuel. They can dress in a simple costume and stand on a chair to act as a wall. Have them tell one of the signs of Christ's birth or death. Then have the others throw paper balls, nerf bullets, etc. towards the Samuel actor. Remember the projectiles are not supposed to hit Samuel. 

Closing Song: "Book of Mormon Stories" verse 7 (Children's Songbook, 118)
Closing Prayer:

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