This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Lesson 20: Numbers 11-14; 20-24

May 9-15
Numbers 11-14; 20-24
"Rebel Not Ye Against the Lord, Neither Fear"

Materials: doctor tools picture, "Moses and the Brass Serpent" video (link below), 
Opening Song: "Faith" (Children's Songbook, 96)
Opening Prayer:

Attention Activity: Show the picture below. What kind of person uses tools like these in their job? What do doctors do? Doctors help people feel better when they are sick or injured. Doctors or physicians are sometimes called healers because they help heal people when they feel unwell. Did you know that one of the some the nicknames for Jesus are "The Great Physician" and the "Master Healer?" How is Jesus like a doctor?


Show the video, "Moses and the Brass Serpent" from (1:02)

The Israelites needed healing both physical and spiritual. They had forgotten the Lord, and when they encountered serpents on their journey, they were bitten. When this trial happened, they remembered the Lord and asked for His help to heal them from their wounds. The Lord did not immediately heal them, instead he made a test of faith. His prophet, Moses, held up a brass serpent on a staff. They had to act in order to be healed. They had to look and the staff and have faith in order for the Lord to heal them. "If they would but look up at the serpent and exercise faith in the words of Moses, they would be healed. In the same way, a person who will look up to Christ and his atoning sacrifice, as culminated on the cross, and will exercise faith in Christ will be healed" ("Is it true that the Brazen Serpent lifted up by Moses in the wilderness symbolized Christ? Why would the image of a serpent be used to represent the Savior?" Phillip F. Low, Ensign Sept. 19830). 

Activity: Look and Live Song

Play the song "Look and Live" by Katherine Nelson (EFY 2003 album). Display the lyrics below so  your family can follow along with the song.

"Look and Live"

By Katherine Nelson


Just as sure as there are stars out in the heavens tonight,

There is a hope that hovers over those looking for the light.

And though it’s just as certain as the faith in those who give,

Attention undivided they look and live.


We have wandered in the wilderness,

Long enough to know,

That there are passions filled with poisons,

Where the faith will never go.

But are fighting to stay focused,

To keep them safe within.

A promise of protection,

They look and live.


Look and live!

Feel the power of the healing,

That only He can give.

We look and live,

Forever facing forward,

To the God of all that is,

Who can live.


He’s the future in our footsteps, 

The anchor in our lives.

He’s the rock of our salvation,

In shadow and sunshine.

May He ever smile upon us,

As we find our strength in Him.

Let us heed His servants’ voices.

We’ll look and live.


Look and live!

Feel the power and the healing,

That only He can give.

We’ll look and live,

Forever facing forward,

To the God of all that is.

Look and live.


Look and live!

Feel the power and the healing,

That only He can give.

We’ll look and live,

Forever facing forward, 

To the God of all that is.

Look and live.

In the song, it talks about how we can "look and live." We might not all be bitten by snakes in our lives, but we all need spiritual healing. How can we be healed by the Savior? President Nelson gave a talk called "Jesus Christ--the Master Healer." In this talk he said, "The sequence of His pattern is significant. Faith, repentance, baptism, a testimony, and enduring conversion lead to the healing power of the Lord" (Ensign November 2005). President Nelson assures we can reach out to the Lord and ask Him to heal us through priesthood blessings and the power of prayer. How has the Savior helped to heal you? 

He ended his talk saying, "The gift of resurrection is the Lord’s consummate act of healing. Thanks to Him, each body will be restored to its proper and perfect frame. Thanks to Him, no condition is hopeless. Thanks to Him, brighter days are ahead, both here and hereafter. Real joy awaits each of us—on the other side of sorrow." 

Optional Activity: Use clay, brass colored art paint, and popsicle sticks to make your own brazen serpent. Write on the staff with a permanent maker, "Look and Live."

Bear your testimony of the healing power of the atonement.

Closing Song: "Jesus the very thought of thee" (Hymns, 141)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Lemon Blueberry Bread recipe here 

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