This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Lesson 41: Isaiah 58-66

October 3-9
Isaiah 58-66 
"The Redeemer shall come to Zion"

Materials: emoji picture, video, whiteboard and marker
Opening Song: "I pray in faith" (Children's Songbook, 14)
Opening Prayer:

Attention Activity: Display the picture below. Give each family member a piece of paper and a pencil and ask them to draw the emoji that they think of when they hear the word, "fasting."


What is it mean to fast? Fasting is when we choose to give something up for a set period of time, in order to turn our hearts to God. Usually, when we talk about fasting, we talk about giving up food and water for 24 hours. 

When do we fast? Fasting occurs church-wide once a month--usually the first Sunday of the month. We fast as an entire church. Then, in our individual wards, we have a testimony meeting but, we can also fast whenever we feel the need for extra spiritual strength, or to ask Heavenly Father for special need. 

Activity: Watch the video "Wherefore have we fasted?" from the church website.

In the video, the young man describes reading a passage in the book of Isaiah as the catalyst for refocusing his personal fasting. In Isaiah 58, Isaiah emphasizes that there is a proper way to fast. It isn't simply to go hungry and thirsty for the day. Isaiah speaks that true fasting centers on breaking the bonds of wickedness or letting go of selfishness and pride. It's about letting go of the heavy burdens placed upon you for the day and taking care for the poor and needy. 

Have your family take turns reading Isaiah 58: 8-12. Ask them to look for the blessings we get from fasting. On a whiteboard or piece of paper list the blessings. (Personal light: knowledge,  spiritual light; good health; righteousness; glory of the Lord; answered prayers; guidance; personal security; spiritual nourishment; inspiration; helping others; etc.) What blessings in our lives have we seen from fasting? 

When we start a fast, we should start with our morning prayers. We should ask Heavenly Father to help us in our fast to focus our mind and attention on the Spirit. We can also ask for help with something specifically like the health of a loved one, guidance during adversity, or spiritual or mental preparation. We can take the time during the day to reflect and remember the Lord. When it is time for our fast to end we should kneel down and say a prayer to "break" or end the fast. We also give money as a fast-offering each month to the church. This donation helps the poor and needy in our area. 

Bear your testimony on how fasting has helped you or given you comfort. 

Closing Song: "In fasting we approach thee" (Hymns, 139)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: mini pumpkin bundt cakes

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