Acts 16-21
"The Lord Had Called Us to Preach the Gospel"
Materials: map of the missionary journeys of Paul, saran wrap, packing tape, assortment of candy, dice, oven mitts/gloves
Opening Song: "Give Said the Little Stream" (Children's Songbook, 236)
Opening Prayer:
Scripture: Matthew 25: 40 "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Attention Activity:
Game: Guess Who to Help? Written below are five ways to help a mystery person. Read the clues below and have your family guess who the person is. (You can adjust the clues if you based on your family situation or create your own)
Mystery Person: Mom
1. Sweep the kitchen floor
2. Clean up your toys
3. Play nicely and quietly
4. Make your school lunch
5. Give her a back rub
Mystery Person: The Missionaries
1. Always be friendly to those not in our church
2. Talk with your friends about what you learned at Primary/Church
3. Invite your friends to church activities
4. Write them a letter
5. Have them over for dinner
Mystery Person: Grandma/Grandpa
1. Send them a card/draw them a picture
2. Call them and tell them about your day
3. Ask them for advice
4. Ask them about their childhood
5. Give them hugs and kisses
We have been reading about Paul in the scriptures. Paul was a great missionary. He traveled to many different cities and places with different companions to teach people about Jesus Christ. Show the map of the missionary journeys of Paul (there is one in the CFMFIAF Manual and in most scriptures) Point to Ephesus on the map. Paul went to Ephesus twice. The second time he told the people he would not be back and he reminded them of all the things he had taught them. Read Acts 20: 35 "I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give then to receive." What did Paul mean when he said it is "more blessed to give than to receive?" Why are we more blessed when we give rather than receive?
Ask a family member,"Tell a story from your own life about a time you gave a loved one a special gift for Christmas or their birthday. How do you feel when you gave them their present?

Read Matthew 25: 40. Jesus said, when we serve others, it is like we are serving him. We are doing what He would do and that makes him happy and us happy too. Bear your testimony of service and how giving to others has blessed your life.
Optional Activity: go to and find a service opportunity your family can do together.
Closing Song: "Because I Have Been Given Much" (Hymnal, 219)
Closing Prayer:
How To Play the Saran Wrap Game
This Plastic Wrap Ball Game for Kids or Adults requires a group of children or grown-ups (or both!) Make a saran wrap/tape ball with candy like the one pictured below.

The players will need to sit in a circle. One player will start off with the ball. The player to the left of that player will receive dice.
The player with the ball put on gloves or oven mitts, and will start unwrapping the ball. At the same time, the player with the dice will start rolling the dice.
The person unwrapping the ball will continue until the player rolling the dice rolls a double.
The player rolling the dice will want to roll a double as fast as possible so he or she could have a turn at trying to unwrap and win a prize.
Any prize or party favor that is unwrapped during your turn is yours to keep!!!
Tip: Keep in mind that each player has to keep the plastic wrap ball on their lap (if someone has it on the ground it will get uncovered way too easy!)
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