This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Lesson 30: Acts 22-28

July 29-August 4
Acts 22-28
"A Minister and a Witness"

Materials: a rubber snake or a picture of a snake, Craft supplies: ties (one for each person), needles and thread, poly fill/stuffing, buttons/goggly eyes, ribbon, scissors, glue. 
Opening Song: "Faith" (Children's Songbook, 96)
Opening Prayer:

Attention Activity:

Hold out your pinky to each member of your family and give them a pinky promise. If they are good the end of FHE they can have a treat. What does it mean to make a promise? What is it called when we make promises with the Lord? Promises can also be made to us individually if we live righteously. 

Show a rubber snake or a picture of snake. What is this? What do you know about snakes? Can snakes hurt us?

After Christ was resurrected, He visited with His apostles and made them certain promises. Read Mark 16:18 "They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." What promise did Jesus make to his apostles? 

On his travels, the apostle Paul came to the island of Melita. This island people treated Paul and his companion kindly, taking them in from the cold and rain and building them a fire. When Paul gathered some sticks for the fire, a "viper" or snake came out of the wood and bit him on the hand. (You could act out this part with the rubber snake) When the island people saw the venomous snake hanging from his hand, they thought that Paul must have been a murderer receiving his just reward. But Paul shook off the snake into the fire. It didn't hurt him at all! The island people were shocked because the snake should have killed Paul, but it didn't. They thought he must have been some kind of god. Paul was invited to stay with the chief. The chief's father was sick and Paul healed him and other sick people on the island. 

Point out to your family that Paul's experience on the island of Melita fulfilled the promise Christ made in Mark 16. 

The Lord and His servants continue to give us special promises today. We make covenants with God when we are baptized and when we receive our temple endowment. We also can learn of some personal promises made to us when we receive our patriarchal blessings. Another way we can hear of promises made by the Lord is listening to the talks during general conference. At the end of a lot of general conference talks, the speaker will often offer us a promise if we live a certain principle of the gospel. Promises made by the Lord are always dependant on our obedience and faith. How can we show our faith that his promise will be filfilled?

Bear your testimony of the faith you have in the Lord. Heavenly Father will always keep his promises if we are obedient to his commandments. 

Craft: Stuffed snakes
Craft supplies: ties (one for each person), needles and thread, poly fill/stuffing, buttons/googly eyes, ribbon, scissors, glue. 

For directions watch the following Youtube video. 

Closing Song: "Keep the commandments"  (Children's Songbook, 146)
Closing Prayer:

Cinnamon Sugar Snakes

1 can crescent rolls
1 t. sugar
1/2 t. cinnamon

Open can and separate dough into rectangles. Cut rectangles into 1/2 inch strips. Roll into snakes with hands like play dough. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Wrap into coils or make "s" shapes. Pinch and diamond shape at one end for the head and put raisins for eyes. Bake as directed. 

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