This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Lesson 2: Joseph Smith History 1: 1-26

 January 4-10
Joseph Smith History 1: 1-26
"I saw a pillar of light" 

Materials: picture of Joseph Smith, first vision video, print outs cut and taped to the wall (see below)
Opening Song: "Joseph Smith's First Prayer" (Hymnal, 26)
Opening Prayer:

Attention Activity:

Show a picture of Joseph Smith like the one below. Who is this? Ask a young family member to tell about Joseph Smith. 


Joseph Smith was the first of the latter-day prophets. Through the guidance of the Lord, he restored Christ's church. This week we will be learning about Joseph Smith's first vision. 


Have the print outs below cut out into 5 pieces of paper. Tape each paper face down around the room. Watch a video of the first vision. Before the video starts ask your family, "What gospel truths do we learn from the first vision?" 

"Ask of God: Joseph Smith's First Vision" (6:36)

or "Joseph Smith's First Vision" (4:15)

After the video, ask family members to come up and chose a paper. Read the gospel truths and discuss how the first vision demonstrates each of these gospel principles. There are discussion points listed below. If your family has thought of any others ask them to share.

Satan is Real- Joseph Smith felt Satan's influence in the sacred grove. Satan does not want us to pray. Satan not only tempts us, but is also responsible for feelings of darkness and despair. Have you ever noticed Satan trying to influence you?

Prayer Works- Joseph prayed vocally in the sacred grove. Why is praying out load important? Joseph's vision is a testament that God does answer our prayers. What is a time when he has answered your prayers?

Answers lie in scripture- Read James 1:5 together.  How did studying the sciprtures help Joseph? Studying the scriptures not only increases our knowledge but can also answer specific questions about things happening in our own lives. When has reading the scriptures provided you with an answer you needed?

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are 2 separate beings- Not only did Heavenly Father and Jesus have bodies of flesh and bone just like you and me, but they were two separate people. This was and still isn't a widely known truth. Most christians think of them as 1 person. But Heavenly Father introduces the Savior to Joseph Smith and then Jesus speaks. Why is this knowledge so important?

God called Joseph Smith to restore His church- Joseph Smith was a young, relatively poor boy from upstate New York. Why do you think Joseph was called as the Lord's chosen prophet of the restoration? As a teenage boy, Joseph was old enough to understand the gravity and importance of the Truth. But he was not so set in his own ways and ideas that he was still meek and teachable. As the years went on and Joseph gained more recognition, he always stayed humble and grounded to gospel principles. As we learn more about Joseph this year try to make a list in your journal about Joseph's attributes. 

Bear your testimony of the first vision and encourage your family to pray to gain their own testimony of the First Vision. 

Closing Song: "Praise to the Man" (Hymnal, 27)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: S'mores popcorn balls recipe here

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