This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Lesson 4: Gen. 5; Mos. 6

 January 17-23
Genesis 5; Moses 6
"Teach these things freely unto your children"

Materials: "Mom's Many Hats" youtube video, a large bag, a picture of Christ, a CTR ring/picture of CTR shield, a picture of a child getting baptized, a picture of a child receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, a picture of child praying
Opening Song: "Teach me to walk in the light" (Children's Songbook, 177)
Opening Prayer:

Attention Activity: Watch the youtube video "Mom's many hats". What are some of the hats that moms and dads wear? One of the many hats that parents wear is a teacher's hat. Parents have to teach their kids a lot of different things. What did your parents teach you?


Heavenly Father wants parents to love and teach their children. The very first parents were Adam and Eve and Heavenly Father made it clear that He wanted them to teach them important lessons. What kinds of things do you think God wants parents to teach their children? In Moses chapter 6 we read of several things that God wanted Adam and Eve to know and to teach to their children. 


(Before FHE, place the following items in a large bag, a picture of Christ, a CTR ring/picture of CTR shield, a picture of a child getting baptized, a picture of a child receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, a picture of child praying)

Directions: Have your family members take turns pulling the items/pictures out of the bag. As they each take a turn do the corresponding activity below.

Picture of Christ: Heavenly Father wants parents to teach their children to have faith in Jesus Christ. Sing "I'm trying to be like Jesus" (Children's Songbook, 78)

A CTR Ring: Read Moses 6:56. In Moses we read the God wants us to teach children wrong from right--good from evil. Parents are supposed to teach their children to obey God's commandments.

A child getting baptized: Moses 6: 52 reads, "And he also said unto him: if thou wilt turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, and believe. and repent of all thy transgressions, and be baptized, even in water, in the name of mine Only Begotten Son, who is full of grace and truth. which is Jesus Christ, the only name which shall be given under heaven, whereby salvation shall come unto the children of men..." Parents are supposed to teach children about baptism and encourage them to be baptized. How did you parents help prepare you for baptism?

A child receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost: Read "ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, asking all things in his name, and whatsoever ye shall ask, it shall be given unto you" (Moses 6:52).  Along with baptism, parents are also supposed to teach their kids about the Holy Ghost. Parents can help children identify the Holy Spirit and how it communicates with us. They should teach their children to rely on the guidance of the Holy Ghost. 

A child praying: Read Moses 6:57 "Wherefore teach it unto your children, that all men, everywhere, myst repent, or they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God, for no unclean thing can dwell there, or dwell in his presence..." Repenting is saying sorry to Heavenly Father in prayer for a bad thing you have done and then trying to change your behavior. Why is it important to teach children how to repent? 

As we have talked about the things Heavenly Father wants all parents to teach their children you may have recognized a pattern. We teach our children to choose the right; have faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ; repentance; baptism; and the gift of the Holy Ghost. What does that sound like? The Fourth Article of Faith! So from the beginning of mankind, Adam and Eve down through the generations, parents have been asked to teach their children right from wrong and the first principles and ordinances of the gospel. This is often called "the doctrine of Christ." Each book of scripture, the Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price all teach the doctrine of Christ. 

Bear your testimony of the doctrine of christ and how parent's teaching gospel principles has blessed you.

Closing Song: "The Fourth Article of Faith" (Children's Songbook, 124)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: hot chocolate bombs recipe here

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