This is a blog meant for the use of individuals and families which contains Family Home Evening lesson ideas and plans for the 2019-2020 "Come Follow Me" curriculum. This is meant to supplement the resource "Come Follow Me: For Individuals and Families". This is not an official page of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Lesson 34: Psalms 102-103; 110; 116-119; 127-128; 135-139; 145-150

August 22-28
Psalms 102-103; 110; 116-119; 127-128; 135-139; 145-150
"Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord"

Materials: flashlight labeled "God's word", scriptures, boards (printed), cards (printed and cut out), glue sticks
Opening Song: "Teach me to walk in the light" (Children's Songbook, 177).
Opening Prayer:

Attention Activity:

Turn off all the lights in your home and shut window coverings. Have your family go on a dark walk with around your home or living room. Was it hard to see? Hand a family member a h flashlight labeled "God's word" and have them lead everyone around the room again. How much easier was it to walk with light?


Psalms 119 celebrate's God's word and instruction to His people. It is a set of prayers each beginning with a different letter of the Jewish alphabet. Psalm 119 is used in Jewish tradition to celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year).

Have your family members take turns reading the verses from Psalms 119 below. Look for what all the verses have in common.

119: 1, 119:3, 119: 10, 119:30, 119:32, 119:35, 119: 45, 119:59, 119:101-102, 119: 105, 119: 113, 119: 168

What similarities did you see with all those verses? In the scriptures and even today, prophets like to refer to our mortal lives as a journey or a path. Show the quotation from President Nelson below. 

We hear phrases like the "covenant path", "the straight and narrow path", and "the path to eternal life" a lot in the church. Psalm 119 also uses this same kind of analogy. We are all traveling along the path of life, but are we on the right path--the covenant path? Where are we right now and what direction are we headed? Hopefully we are headed towards the Savior. 

Activity: The Covenant Path Sort

Directions: (Before FHE, print out the boards and cards below. Cut out the cards.) Give each family member 1 board,  1 set of cards, and a glue stick. 

Each of the cards has examples of experiences that might be on the covenant path. Sort and glue these activities and life experiences along the board from birth to death. The cards don't necessarily have to reflect your personal life, but they should be in a logical order. For example, you can't have grandchildren before you've had children. The cards in bold are necessary ordinances to obtain eternal life and should be put in the correct order. After your family is done take turns sharing your paths. 

Share the quote below from Elder Maxwell. What do you think he means by it not being a freeway or an escalator? 

Sometimes the path we travel may be hard and it may seem slow. Sometimes we might wander off the path. In Psalm 119: 105 it says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Just like the flashlight at the beginning, the light of Christ can direct us if we ever go astray. We can listen to the word of God as we read the scriptures and counsel from church leaders. We can repent and seek solace and comfort from the Holy Ghost. As we seek the light of Christ, we will be able to get back on and stay on the covenant path back to our Heavenly Father. 

Bear your testimony. 

Closing Song: "I will walk with Jesus" ("Additional Songs for Children, Gospel Music App)
Closing Prayer:
Refreshment: Banana Pudding Cake recipe here

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